Dirty Racing: A DD/LG Outing Read online

Page 4

  I have to tug the brim of my hat down as we exit the tunnel and the sun once again seems extra bright, but as soon as my eyes adjust, they go wide with wonder. I can see the speedway!

  I squeal happily and hug Daddy’s arm to my chest.

  “Holy hell, it’s so pretty!” I squeak.

  The fast track.

  A giant paved circle sparkles in the sunlight before me. There appears to be a whole little town in the center of the track. The pit. My belly flutters at the sight of the real driver’s, and super expensive cars being so close. The sun glitters off the paint of the sleek cars, and so many people are bustling about as they prepare for the upcoming event.

  From here the people look as small as ants, and I want to get closer. I start to jog forward, running to the big fence in front of me, but I’m stopped mid stride by Daddy’s finger hooking in the belt loop at the base of my spine.

  “No, kitten.” He jerks me back, and I look over my shoulder hotly as my body bumps into his.


  “Look down.” He points to the ground, and I look down at a thick white line painted into the cement that I didn’t bother to notice at in my rush. “You can’t cross this line.”

  “But why?” I feel my face wrinkling up. I don’t want to be stuck behind a stupid line, I want to throw myself against the fence. The fumes from the cars warming up sting my nose but it’s like crack and gives me a head rush. I want to be closer.

  “It’s the rules.” Daddy shakes his head with a playful expression. “Let’s get to our seats. We’ll come back down midrace. I want to get settled in, we have a long day ahead.” I let out a frustrated groan but allow him to tow me behind him as he starts to climb the massive rows of bleachers. They seem to go up forever, straight up into heaven.

  Thankfully, as we reach the midway point, Daddy tugs me down a row and sits. I stay standing and look over the speedway. It really is something to behold. From his backpack, Daddy pulls out a blanket and folds it long ways to lay it over the bleacher style seat. My hands clap together as the announcer comes over the huge speakers to welcome us all to race day.

  I can see Daddy snickering at my antics but I don’t care. I really am happy to just be here. People are joining us in the stands, and I’m blown away by how many people can actually fit up here. We look like half a football stadium and three times as rowdy.

  Some people have small ice chests with them, others are wearing beer hats but all of us are excited. The energy is intoxicating. “Here, kitten.” Daddy interrupts my thoughts. I turn to him and he is handing me what looks like a log cutters ear muff. I hold it in my hand and giggle.

  “What the hell is this for? I don’t need these.” I try to hand them back but he pulls another set from his backpack and places it around his neck.

  “Yes, you do.” He starts digging in his backpack again, and this time holds up the sun screen. I loop the weird ear muffs around my neck to match him, and scoot my feet closer to his. My hand waving out as if I might tumble down the stupid, open seats.

  “I wanna be able to hear the cars,” I pout at him.

  “You will, silly girl. You will. Come here, hold out your hand.” I do as he says, and he floods my palm with the sunscreen. “I feel like I didn’t get the back of my neck good enough last time. It’s burning up, can you help me get back there?”

  My whole-body thrums happily at the idea of helping Daddy. I nod and stand so his knees are in between my thighs. My arms wrap around him and I begin to massage the lotion into his neck, being sure to let my hands sneak under his tee shirt to get the skin that could be exposed when he moves. While I rub his neck, I feel the cold splat of lotion against the back of my thighs as he lotions me back up as well.

  By the time we are both re-protected from the sun’s evil rays, it’s time for the National Anthem to play. Daddy and I stand side by side in the sea of so many people doing the same thing. My heart fills with pride for my country and the gift of being able to be here today. My smile is so big that it hurts my cheeks. I peek at Daddy from the corner of my eye. His back is so straight as he stands tall with his hand over his heart and his eyes focused of the massive American flag waving in the summer breeze at the center of the pits.

  In this moment, I think I fall a little bit more in love with him. We’ve been slowly building our relationship, but as I watch him here today I feel something inside of me stirring. I don’t just want to please him as his little but possibly one day as his wife. The song ends and plumes of smoke and fireworks break out over the sky.

  Three giant silver planes come barreling from behind the stands. Their powerful speed making a loud rumble in the sky as they pass overhead faster than lightening. I lean into Daddy’s body as we watch them disappear into the sun.

  He looks down at me, his face happy at first but then I think he sees my thoughts and his expression changes to something a bit more serious. “What is it?” He lowers his head to speak in my ear. Instead of answering him, I throw my arms around his neck and hug him tight. He hugs me back without any more questions, and I release him as the cars pull up to the starting line.

  The whole crowd is on their feet so we stay standing too. They count down as my blood rushes through every part of my body. I hold tight to Daddy’s hand as I bounce in my sneakers.

  The engines rev and rumble, and the vibrations travel up the steel stands to shake my whole body. “Ohhh,” I purr and beam over at Daddy.

  “Makes baby feel good?” he asks with his hand squeezing mine.

  “Mmhm.” I nod and bubble with laughter. Everyone screams and shouts as the pace car leads the racers around the track a single time and then it’s on! My ears already hurt from the noise of the cars and the crowd, I scramble to put the ear muff things in place and sigh out when I can still hear people talking around me, just not the loud roar of the track.

  After the cars have made their tenth lap around the giant circle, the crowd begins to settle in for the five hundred mile race. When we sit, my thigh is pressed against Daddy’s and he motions over my head to someone running up and down the stands selling beer. He gets one for each of us and hands me my own can.

  “Thank you for bringing me out today.” I tell him before I sip the cold beer.

  “I’m happy to be with you, baby girl.” he replies. Our eyes are both on the track as the drivers try to break away from each other. “I think we can call our first outing a success, yes?”

  “Definitely.” I smirk. “Although there is still one more thing I’m looking forward to?”

  “Standing back near the white line as the cars zoom by?” He teases and I bump my elbow into his shoulder.

  “Okay, so two things.” His hand is cold from holding his beer can when he places it over my knee and shakes my leg a little.

  “I know what you need.” His blue eyes are dark as he looks at me and I feel my cheeks pinken under his watchful gaze. He bends toward me and speaks directly into the ear muff over my ear. “If we were at a less popular track, say a small dirt track and the stands were only half full of people, I would fuck you right in front of everyone. Only no one would know. Do you know how I would get away with that, kitten?” My body shivers from the heat his words are causing in my pussy, and I shake my head. “See dirt track races normally start a lot later so it would be dark, just the lights pointed on the track to illuminate the stands. I’d make you wear a skirt to the race, instead of those tiny shorts you have on.”

  My eyes watch the race but in my head, I’m with Daddy at a dark track with only a few people around us. I mumble a sound to let him know I’m invested in his tale. His hand curls up around my inner thigh and again I feel his pinkie grazing the knotted seam at my crotch, only this time I don’t have on panties to help block the sensation.

  “As soon as the race started, when everyone else was focused on the race, I’d make you sit on my lap. I’d wrap us in a blanket, you know it gets very cold at night, kitten. The blanket would hide the fact that my cock wa
s out and waiting to impale your sweet, little cunt. Once I was filling you up, I’d whisper in your ear how fucking good you always feel when wrapped around my hard cock.” My gaze shifts from the race track, down to his lap where his cock is clearly growing at his own arousing words.

  “I would hold your hips tight, little girl. Not allowing you to move or to bounce. The only way you can work us is through tantric sex like flexing of your sweet pussy. Do you think you would like that?” I nod my head, feeling his breathing against the side of my neck, and his finger pressing harder against my desperate pussy which clenches at the mention of being filled. “You’d stay like that the whole race. Stuck on my dick while I twitch and flex inside of you. I may even tease your clit a little bit here and there, but I want to feel you milk my cock with your body.”

  I moan lightly and squirm in my seat a little. I want that. I blink a few times and look around. There are so many people around us right now and the sun is still so bright in the midday sky that it would be impossible to act out his words now, but I want to. Not to mention being wrapped up in a blanket today would be a death sentence.

  “Would you be brave enough to try?” I turn my head to look into his eyes and smirk.

  “I’d like to try.”

  “But what if you exploded, baby girl?” His tone is teasing now. “Daddy knows how loud you get when that pussy lets go. Would you be able to keep your lips sealed? Could you keep your body from bucking wildly on my hard dick?” He lets an eyebrow perk up. “Is my pretty girl saying that she would be willing to come in front of so many people?”

  My thighs snap closed around his moving fingers. The pictures he is painting in my head and the slow but steady rhythm he is rubbing against my clit is making me crazy. I shift my position and he laughs. A wicked laugh like he already knows the answer even though I’m struggling with the fact that I’m aching to get off right now. Even in the center of this sea of people, my pussy still wants what it wants.

  “Daddy,” my hands grip his wrist to try to stop his fingers from continuing. “Please,”

  “Tell me?” He kisses the corner of my mouth and I turn my jaw to press more of my mouth against his.

  “I want to get off but I don’t want to do it in front of so many people.” He uses his free hand to brush my flushed cheek.

  “We’ll build up to it.” He kisses me again and then removes his hand from between my thighs. “After the race, we’ll stop back by Ron’s little camp before we go home. Would an audience of three be a good starting place for you?”

  I think of all the ways those three men had touched me before the race and it’s hard to sit still with the constant vibrations rocking the stands. Each of those men touched me, with Daddy’s permission but they were kind and respectful. I wanted more of their touch. Fuck, I wanted all of their touches all at once!

  “Yes, Daddy.” I agree. “I’d like that very much.”

  “Good girl.” He pats my thigh and kisses my forehead. “Hang in there until then and I’ll reward you.”

  With a plan in place and a release in my near future, I lean against Daddy for the rest of the race. We’ve each had another beer but I’m only feeling a soft, pleasant buzz fogging up my thoughts. Throughout the race, we talk about normal, everyday things. Like our jobs and the stresses that come with both of our schedules and all the different personalities in the offices.

  We also talked about a family problem I’m having with my sister and her current, abusive boyfriend. Even though we haven’t been together long, he listens to all I have to say, even when I’m rambling, and then answers me with honesty and a new perspective.

  I like that I can vent to Daddy. He keeps me balanced and helps me figure out the things that are worth worrying over and the things that should just roll off my shoulders. Around the hundredth lap, Daddy takes me back down to the white line and its nothing like anything I’ve ever experienced before.

  The wind from the cars speed and the intense way that they zoom by rocks me. I can’t stop giggling the whole time we are near the fence. After that Daddy and I head back to the fairway, walking up the other side of the street and checking out all the stuff there. It feels nice to stretch my legs but soon we’ve seen everything there is to see, and with fresh water bottles we walk back up to our seats.

  The race doesn’t last the three hours that I thought it would. Thankfully, there are no crashes, I feel almost guilty for hoping to see the exciting danger of the race but am grateful none of the drivers are scathed. Instead the checkered flag closes the five hundredth lap two and half hours after the green flag was lowered. One of the more popular drivers wins and Daddy and I both jump on our feet to cheer for his victory. He spins donuts into the grass at the center of the track, and soon everyone is flooding out of the stands. Daddy and I stay seated. Still chatting about how the race ended while we give the people who are in a hurry to get out of here a chance to leave first.

  I’m beginning to get a little nervous as we finally stand up. What will Daddy do to me in front of Ron and the others? What will he have me do to them? Will they be allowed to play with me again? Do I want them to?

  I’m stuck in my head as we walk back up the dirt path to the small tailgate party. I’m so deeply implanted in my thoughts that my body is on auto pilot and I don’t even remember how we got down the path so quickly, when Daddy pulls me to a stop and greets the guys again.

  Victory lap.

  “Hey! Did you enjoy the race?” Ron asks, I blink at him feeling shy all of a sudden. The memory of his had slapping my inner thigh flashes through my mind’s eye and I shift my sneakers in the worn-down grass. Will he be spanking me again soon?

  “Princess?” Daddy’s voice makes me look up. “Ron asked you a question.”

  “Yes.” I look back over at Ron. “It was a lot of fun. Did you guys watch it?” It appears they haven’t left their seats since we left and wonder who would come all this way to sit outside the magic happening just on the other side of the fence.

  “We listened to it on the radio.” Chris points to the pickup truck with the door open and the announcers voice still speaking about the happenings of the race can be heard. “It’s a lot less crowded out here.”

  “And more shady.” Dave points to the pop up cover above them. Daddy’s hand pushes my shoulders as he walks me forward under the tent like awning.

  “Listen fella’s,” He keeps pushing me forward until I’m between the two trucks again where Chris licked me earlier. “My girl here has had a very big, exciting day. She’s been so good and minded all her manners.” His hand grips the back of my neck, his thumb pressing in just under my jaw which makes me sigh. “It would be awfully cruel of me to make her wait the entire ride home before I rewarded her perfect pussy, do you mind if we make use of your truck?”

  “Fuck, no.” Ron agrees, pushing himself out of his chair and walking over to us. Chris and Dave do the same and they make a wall with their bodies. Daddy opens the back door of the truck and now I’m blocked from view by the door itself and men standing shoulder to shoulder. “As long as we can watch.” He laughs and the rest follow suit. Their masculine pleasure sizzles up my spine as Daddy bends me over the seat in the same fashion as I was earlier in the day.

  “Remember to wait for permission and be quiet, Brynn.” Daddy growls lowly in my ear. He nips at the back of my shoulder and allows both of his hands to trail down my sides.

  “Yes, Sir.” I agree, already trembling with anticipation. He reaches under me to unbutton my shorts and pushes them down my legs. Once they reach my knees they fall right to the ground. I feel his mouth at my hip as he bends to pull my shorts off my shoes. He throws my shorts onto the floorboard of the truck and grunts.

  “Now open your legs wide for me. I want to see all of my hungry kitten.” I jump my feet apart and lift my hips back to offer him my naked ass. I’ve waited too long for his direct touch and my body is burning for him. I shiver as his hands grope my ass. He slaps me sharply on one ch
eek and then the other.

  “That pale skin flushes so quickly.” One of the guys watching says casually, but I can’t see who it was.

  “She’s very responsive all over.” Daddy chuckles and pushes my tank top up a little to bite harshly into my lower back. I hiss through my teeth and curl my body to escape his sharp teeth.

  “Shh, shh.” He sooths me while petting my pussy. The mixture of pain and pleasure is my favorite sensation, and Daddy knows just how to play me. “Take it for me, baby girl.” I mewl out an agreement and wiggle my pussy in his hand.

  “You know, Richard.” I hear a different one of the guys speak. “We sure did get all worked up teasing her for you earlier. I think we could all use a little release.” I groan at this. I’ve waited so long and I don’t want to wait another minute. Daddy spanks me to shush me and I bite my lip.

  “That’s very true. I’m sure you do deserve some thanks.” He grips my hips and lifts me up into the truck, setting my ass on the seat. I look at him with pleading eyes and a pout pursing my mouth. “Be good and help the boys out and then, sweetness, I’ll let you come all over my cock.”

  “I want to come now.” I whine. He reaches up and cups my jaw.

  “Good thing this was never about what you wanted.” He smirks while his thumb presses across my lower lip, pulling it down from my frowning pout. “Lay on your back and hang your head. Let’s show the guys how perfectly behaved that sassy little mouth can be.”

  “Fine.” I roll my eyes and he laughs hard. He waits until I obey. Laying down across the bench seat of the back of the truck, I allow my head to dangle off the seat. I watch as an upside-down Daddy, steps back and Ron comes forward, unzipping his jeans and pulling out his cock.

  “It won’t be long,” He teases me. “My wife hasn’t served me in months.” He steps up close to me and taps my mouth with the head of his cock. He is hard but much thinner and shorter than Daddy is. My mouth opens and he shoves himself inside of my hot mouth. I close my lips and suck softly but in this position, I don’t really have to do any work. His hands grip my tits like handles and he fucks my mouth fast and hard. I can hear him grunting and panting as he pushes and pulls himself along my tongue. It’s only a matter of minutes before I can taste his salty precum and feel his dick throbbing with his coming release. “Fuck, yesss.” he groans.